In coordination with UC’s Travel Office and the Office of Research Security and Ethics, we are pleased to announce two new features in the Concur system to better protect and advise employees going to high risk areas of the world.
- A new International Questionnaire, added as a new expense category, for employees going to countries of concern as deemed by the US Government. Currently the list is the Russia Federation, Iran, North Korea and China; however, that is subject to change. The questionnaire asks travelers additional questions about the trip (e.g., what technology is traveling with you, will you be accessing the UC network, is all information to be shared public, etc.) to better help us advise you on the steps you may need to take before you travel.
- A new notice automatically generated from Concur that employees will receive 14-days prior to traveling. This travel notice will be sent to the employee, the Department Head, the Travel Office, Research Security and Export Control and will provide the employees with safety information and tips for their travel.
Both features will help the Office of Research Security and Ethics better prepare the employee prior to departing with appropriate and up to date security guidance and safety considerations.
The Office of Research and the Travel Office have created a Job Aid to assist you in completing this questionnaire.
Click HERE for the International Travel Questionnaire Job Aid.
We have also created a Job Aid on how to get started with a Travel Request to a Country of Concern that would require the completion of the Questionnaire.
Click HERE for the Travel Request Job Aid.